It appeared we were docking below a medieval fortress and that pirate ships – the tourist variety -were plying the waters around our
Oceania Nautica as we approached
Alanya, Turkey.
Approaching Alanya, Turkey aboard Oceania's Nautica |
These first scenes from the ship - when you aren’t quite sure what you are seeing are what we think keeps cruising exciting and will bring us back time and time again to the sea.
Nothing like fortress walls to spark the imagination - Alanya, Turkey |
It was day 33 of this cruise that had begun in
Bangkok, Thailand and taken us on a
Magic Carpet Ride to new and exotic places in the Far and Middle East. We were headed to
Istanbul, Turkey where most of the passengers would be leaving the ship. We had made arrangements to disembark a day early* while the ship was in
Rhodes, Greece, so this was our last full day of the cruise.
Ships of every shape and size - Alanya, Turkey |
After the rushed and people-intense whirlwind tour of Israel the day before in Israel, we were looking forward to exploring this town on Turkey’s Riviera on our own. The ship was docked so that it was an easy walk into the heart of this tourist city. No metal detectors to walk through as we disembarked as we’d had in Haifa, Israel, no taxi drivers to negotiate with as we’d had in Oman, or tuk-tuks to climb aboard as we’d done in Phuket, Thailand and Cochin, India.
Oceania Nautica docked at Alanya, Turkey |
Alanya, a very popular seaside resort town, according to legend was given to Cleopatra by Mark Antony back in 44 B.C. It was during the Middle Ages that it rose to prominence under the Seljuks, who built the castle with its more than 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) of walls, 93 towers, 140 battlements and 400 cisterns. The Seljuks were a Sunni Muslim Turkish confederation that ruled much of Central Asia and Anatolia between 1071 and 1194.
The walls which once encircled numerous villages now have some spectacular homes within them.
Numerous homes are found within the old fortress walls - Alanya, Turkey |
Not ones to shop for souvenirs, we had weakened our resolve a bit and set off to buy some Turkish rugs, as our
Stone House on the Hill in Greece, was in need of floor coverings and it was our destination after the cruise. And when in Turkey, why not? Right?
Tourist town - no doubt about it - Alanya, Turkey |
Located on beautiful gulf and framed by the pine-forested Taurus Mountains, white sand beaches, caves and sea grottos are easily accessed from this town on the Mediterranean Sea. Its location in the Mediterranean basin means rain comes mainly in the winter and summers are hot and dry. It’s Tourism Board uses a slogan, “Where the Sun Smiles” and that was certainly the case on our springtime visit.
The day and our cruise comes to an end - Alanya, Turkey |
On board the ship, a pool party – “Sheik, Rattle and Roll” – the final event of the cruise, began at the same time as our 9 p.m. departure from Alanya. As we watched the lights fade into the distance it was time to start saying goodbyes friends we’d made among both staff and fellow cruisers.
Our bags were packed - we were ready to go - Alanya, Turkey |
As for those Turkish rugs, three of them were folded up inside that bag on the lower left in the photo above. The large suitcase was filled with items for the house – many of which had been purchased along the way.
* Note: It was possible to disembark a day early but arrangements to do so were made before we before we started the cruise. Port authorities and cruise folks had to approve it. When they send the authorization, they remind you that you don’t get refunds for unused nights.
The route of our Magic Carpet Ride - Oceania's Nautica |
Thanks for joining us on our
Tales of the Magic Carpet Ride of a cruise. We’ve enjoyed your comments and the conversation our posts generated. The cruise was an excellent way to see many countries that would have otherwise been difficult and costly to visit. We often use cruises as introductions to areas and then return later as was the case with Egypt. The cruise was our introduction and we returned for more last December.
So now -- like at the end of this cruise last spring -- we are off to
The Stone House on the Hill. We hope you’ll be back again next week as we have a lot to tell you about our little slice of Greece.
Happy and safe travels to you ~
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Through My Lens
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